GE I/O TC2000 analog board DS200TCCBG8BED has an 80196 microprocessor and multiple PROM modules. It also contains an LED and 2 50-pin connectors. The LED is visible from the side view of the board. The ID of the 50-pin connector is JCC and JDD. The microprocessor is a 16-bit microprocessor that manages the running of the board. The PROM modules are installed in slots on the circuit board, and service personnel can remove the modules or install them using hand tools. The PROM module contains the firmware and programming instructions that control the microprocessor. These modules are erasable, which means that updates can be applied to them. Updates can be downloaded from the website and applied to the module. Replacement module The PROM module is not installed. This allows the installer to easily move the PROM module from the old board to the replacement board. This way, the firmware is the same, ensuring that the microprocessor behaves the same when the drive is restarted.
DS200TCCBG8BED Turbine expansion simulation plate
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