Product details:
The IS415UCVHH1A is a controller board manufactured and designed by General Electric. It is part
of the Mark VIe series of innovative VME platforms for gas turbine control systems. The 6U tall single
board computer (SBC) known as the Mark VIe UCVH Controller runs the turbine application code. The
controller is connected to the turbine I/O board via the VME bus and is mounted on the VME rack
known as the control module. QNX is a real-time multitasking operating system designed for industrial
applications requiring high speed and high reliability as a controller operating system. The following operator
and engineering interface connections are provided through three communication ports:
UDH Ethernet connection between the HMI and other control devices.
An RS-232C connection is established through port COM1.
RS-232C connection for communication between COM2 port and distributed control system (DCS).
The controller has software specifically designed for steam, gas, land and sea derivatives (LM) or balancing devices (BOPs),
cargo. Assuming a normal-sized collection of blocks, it can execute up to 100,000 rungs or blocks per second.
Due to the interrupt of the external clock, the controller is able to synchronize with the clock of the VCMI communication board in 100 microseconds.
The VCMI communication board uses the VME bus to send and receive external data to the control system database (CSDB) in the controller.
The process input and output of the I/O board constitute the data in the simplex system. The input from the input board, the
single input from the simplex board, the calculated output voted on by the output hardware, and the internal status values that
need to be exchanged between controllers make up the data in the TMR system.
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