CDP’s Global Environmental Information Research Center announced its 2021 Supplier Engagement Rating on February 10. As A result, Delta received the highest ratings in key scoring items such as “Supply Chain Engagement” (Note 1) and “Greenhouse Gas Category 3 emissions” (Note 2), and was awarded an “A” rating as “Supplier Engagement Leader”.
This is the second consecutive year that Delta has been named CDP Supply chain Participation Leader, and it is also the second time that Delta’s efforts and actions on climate issues have been recognized by the benchmark evaluation after it was awarded CDP’s “climate change” and “Water security” as a leading enterprise at the end of last year.
Zhou Zhihong, Chief sustainability Officer of Delta, said that Delta has long been concerned about climate change, in addition to energy conservation and carbon reduction in daily operations, but also actively in line with international sustainable development initiatives, in 2017 adopted and implemented scientific carbon reduction targets (SBTs), through independent energy conservation, solar self-use, purchase of green electricity or vouchers and other practices. The target of reducing carbon intensity by 56.6% by 2025 has been exceeded in 2021, and the proportion of renewable electricity used by the global network will reach 45.7% by 2020. Based on the implementation experience and results of SBT, Delta further joined RE100, committed to achieving 100% renewable electricity and carbon neutrality in all global outlets by 2030, while continuing to deeply explore the sustainable value chain, providing customers with efficient and energy-saving products to help reduce carbon through innovative research and development, and promoting sustainable management of the supply chain, in line with the international trend of net zero carbon emissions. Create climate business opportunities together. We are pleased that Delta and our partners have continuously earned the highest rating of “A” for CDP supply chain participation leaders for their long-term efforts.
Working together to decarbonize the supply chain into the future
Delta regards its suppliers as long-term partners in the fight against climate change, actively encouraging energy conservation to move towards zero carbon, not only developing a climate change code of conduct for suppliers, providing professional education and training resources, but also leading manufacturers of all sizes to carry out carbon inventory requirements to ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory standards. Delta interacts with more than 90% of Tier 1 suppliers on climate change and other issues each year through the delivery of sustainability (ESG) questionnaires, education and training, supply chain participation, and inclusion of performance in supplier quarterly business review meetings (QBR), and then makes a further promotion plan according to their capabilities and risk levels. In order to effectively reduce the risk of suppliers being cut off due to drought, Delta has also selected nearly 600 key suppliers as drought risk assessment objects and incorporated the assessment results into the decision-making basis.
Delta also calculates the carbon footprint at the manufacturing stage for dozens of customers participating in CDP’s supply chain program each year, while providing energy efficient technologies and carbon benefits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at every stage. From 2010 to 2020, Delta’s high-efficiency power products have helped customers worldwide save 33.5 billion KWH of electricity, equivalent to a reduction of 17.8 million tons of carbon emissions. Since 2015, the energy saving data of 11 products shipped by Delta, such as electronic stabilizer, server power supply, solar photovoltaic inverter, electric vehicle DC charger, etc., have been confirmed by ISAE 3000, showing the performance of helping customers reduce carbon. In addition, in 2020, 100% of Delta’s entire plant’s GHG category 1 and Category 2 are verified by ISO 14064-1, and Category 3 is also verified by a third party. The plant also implemented 80 water-saving programs and 111 waste reduction programs, reducing a total of 183.6 thousand tons of water and 7,774 tons of waste. Various climate actions and tangible results echo CDP SER’s goal of reducing carbon through participation in the value chain.
CDP’s annual environmental information disclosure and scoring process is recognized as an important standard for corporate environmental information transparency. Each year, the organization evaluates the overall performance of climate change management, including corporate governance, targets, greenhouse gas emissions, overall climate change project performance and supply chain management, from the questionnaires that companies reply to their supply chain plans. More than 200 key corporate members of CDP’s supply chain program have a total procurement expenditure of $5.5 trillion, and 23,487 suppliers of these companies have disclosed in 2021, driving a total of about 231 million tons of carbon reduction initiatives.