XVME-428/1 Communication Module
- Eight Independently Programmable RS-232C or RS-422A Serial Ports
- 10 MHz 68000 CPU
- Xycom’s Intelligent I/O Kernel
- Xycom’s InterProcessor Communications Protocol
- On-Board Firmware for Record or Character I/O
- Programmable Baud Rates From 50 to 19.2K Baud
The Xycom XCME-428 Intelligent Asynchronous Serial Communication Module provides VMEbus
Systems with eight serial ports, compatibly with RS-232C, RS-422A or TTL lines. The XVME-428
contains Xycom’s 68000 based intelligent I/O kernel. This kernel, along with the on-board firmware,
performs many of the time consuming tasks associated with serial I/O relieving the host processor of the burden of executing the tasks.
The XVME.428 Intelligent Asynchronous Scrial Communication Moduleprovides VMEbus systems with
cizht serial ports, compatble with RS.232CRS.422A, or TTL lincs,The XVME.428 contains Xycom’s68000 bascd Intelligent
IO Kerpe. Thiskernel, along with the on-board frm-ware, performs many of the time con.suming taskes assoclated
with scrinl I/Orelieving the host processor of the burdenof cxccuting these taskcs.
Please contact Sunny for the best price.
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➱ QQ: 3095989363
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