The 57C430 is a Processor Module created by Reliance Electric. Depending on which years this module was in production, it could have possibly been also sold by Asea Brown Boveri or Baldor Reliance.
The 57C430 is an AutoMax 6010 Processor Module. This processor is meant to be mounted onto an AutoMax rack and then have control over all of the other modules on the rack. Depending on the size of your rack, you may choose to only have one processor on the rack. You also have the option of having up to four on the same rack.
To be able to use the 57C430 properly, it has two system requirements. The system needs to have a 256k parity of RAM and a CPU speed of 8mHZ. There are also requirements for where you can place the 57C430 on your storage rack. It can only be plugged into the 0-4 slots on the rack. If you are using more than one processor, you must place one of your processors into that slot or you must leave it totally open.