The 140CPU43412A belongs to Modicon Quantum automation platform which has several design and working functionalities. This product is a CPU processor which has a The built in software ProWORX 32. This allows the 140CPU43412A processor to run smoothly and thoroughly.
A great function of the 140CPU43412A is the 1.2 Ah Lithium 7 µA 210 µA battery. With its 10 year battery life this module lasts long and is very efficient within this time. It has 2 remotes networks and 3 distributed networks allowing a wide range of connection. The 140CPU43412A has 3 ports including 1 Modbus plus, 2 Modbus RS232.This module is functionally identical to the non-A version. However, If you are using the module in a Hot Standby topology, then you need to use two non-”A”models or two A models. The 140CPU43412A version has a unique flash executive. The “A” version and non-”A” flash executives are not interchangeable
One of the advantages of the 140CPU43412A is the single slide switch. The single slide switch is used to select the comm parameter settings for Modbus (RS-232) Ports. It also has a key switch which is used to protect memory from programming changes while the controller is in operation. This enables the 140CPU43412A module to be safe and secure while operating.
One more function is the address switch. The address switch, which is comprised of two rotary switches, is located on the rear panel of the Quantum CPUs. The address switch is used for setting Modbus Plus node and Modbus port addresses. This is a great plus for users as it keeps things organized. The 140CPU43412A’s processor supports up to six network modules (i.e., Modbus Plus, Ethernet, and Multi-Axis Motion option modules) using the option module interface technique allowing flexibility and variety.. However, only two Modbus Plus modules can have full functionality, including Quantum DIO support.