GE I/O TC2000 analog board DS200TCCAG1A has an 80196 microprocessor and multiple PROM modules. It also contains an LED and 2 50-pin connectors. The LED is visible from the side view of the board. The ID of the 50-pin connector is JCC and JDD. Because the GE I/O TC2000 analog board DS200TCCAG1A is equipped with a microprocessor, it is important to keep the board at a low temperature to allow the microprocessor to operate accurately and extend the life of the microprocessor. Overheating can damage the microprocessor and lead to inaccurate processing.
A properly cooled environment begins when the drive is installed. The driver must be installed in a position where the air is clean and free of dust and dirt. If the frequency converter is installed on the wall, there should be no heating device on the other side of the wall. In some locations, fans must be installed to provide proper airflow. If this is the case, make sure the fan is in good working order.