GE I/O TC2000 analog board DS200TCCBG1ALD has an 80196 microprocessor and several PROM modules. It also contains an LED and 2 50-pin connectors. The LED is visible from the side view of the board. The ID of the 50-pin connector is JCC and JDD. The PROM module stores the configuration file of the microprocessor and other information required by the circuit board. You can remove the PROM from the slot using the Insert tool, which can also be used to install the PROM into the slot of the replacement board. If you want to use the same configuration file, it is easy to move the PROM from the old board to the new board. First, turn off the drive and disconnect it from the power supply. The drive receives power from the inverter, and to disconnect the power to the drive, simply remove the fuse from the inverter to disable it and cut the power to the drive.