GE I/O TC2000 analog board DS200TCCBG2A has an 80196 microprocessor and several PROM modules. It also contains an LED and 2 50-pin connectors. The LED is visible from the side view of the board. The ID of the 50-pin connector is JCC and JDD. The PROM module stores the firmware and programming instructions of the microprocessor. Firmware updates can be downloaded from the Web to the laptop and then downloaded to the circuit board for storage on the PROM. All processing on the board is performed by the microprocessor.
PROM is very sensitive to electrostatic damage, so if you need to remove the PROM module, you must wear a wrist strap or other device to discharge the static electricity from your body to the ground surface. One end of the wristband is attached to your arm or wrist. The other end must be in contact with an exposed metal surface. This could be a leg of the workbench or a metal chair. Some wristbands come with a clip that can be attached to a metal surface. Others have a plug that you can plug into a connector on a metal workbench. This type of connection is more secure and less likely to come loose. If the two ends of the wrist strap are not connected, the PROM module will not prevent static buildup.