BENTLY NEVADA Bentley 3500/42M Features:
Monitoring channels are set up in pairs and can perform up to two specified functions simultaneously. For example, channels 1 and 2 May perform one function, while channels 3 and 4 perform another or the same function.
The Proximitor seismic monitor protects the machine by comparing the monitoring parameters to the selected alarm set point in real time, triggering the alarm. It informs operations and maintenance employees about critical machine information.
According to the arrangement, each channel usually adjusts its input signal to produce a static set of values. You can create an alert setting point for any current static value, and a danger setting point for any two of them.
Use the rack configuration software to set an alert level for any values measured by the monitor and a danger set point for any two values measured by the monitor. For each measurement, an alert can be set from 0 to 100% of the full scale. When the full scale range exceeds the sensor range, the set point is limited by the sensor range.