The RPS6U rack power supply units are designed for use in the VM600 series of machinery protection systems and condition and performance monitoring systems, from Meggitt Sensing Systems’ Vibro-Meter product line.
The RPS6U is installed in the front of a VM600 system rack (ABE04x) with a standard height of 6U and connects directly to the rack backplane via two connectors. The power supply provides +5 VDC and ±12 VDC power to all cards in the rack via the rack backplane.
One or two RPS6U power supplies can be installed in a VM600 system rack. A rack can have two RPS6U units installed for different reasons: to supply power to a rack with many cards installed, non-redundantly, or to supply power to a rack with fewer cards installed, redundantly. Typically, the cutoff point is when nine rack slots or fewer are used.
When a VM600 system rack is operating with two RPS6U units for power supply redundancy, if one RPS6U fails, the other will provide 100% of the power requirement and the rack will continue to operate, thereby increasing the availability of the machinery monitoring system.
Various versions of the RPS6U exist, allowing a rack to be powered from external AC or DC mains supplies with a range of supply voltages.
A power supply check relay, available at the rear of a VM600 rack, indicates that the power supplies are operating normally. Refer to the ABE040 and ABE042 VM600 system rack and ABE056 VM600 slimline rack data sheets for additional information on power supply check relays.
In applications where the VM600 rack is powered by an AC mains supply, an auxiliary sensor power supply (ASPS) can also be included in the rack. The ASPS provides +24 VDC outputs which can be used by external hardware such as front-end transducers, signal conditioners and galvanic separation units. For specific applications, contact your nearest Meggitt Sensing Systems representative.