VM600 CPUR2 rack controller and communications interface card
VM600 CPUR2/IOCR2 rack controller and communications interface card pair with support for Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP
“One-Shot” configuration management of protection cards (MPC4) in a VM600 rack using an Ethernet connection to a computer running the VM600 MPSx and VibroSight® software
Mathematical processing of data to be shared via fieldbus and card pair status (health) information via fieldbus
Common alarm reset (AR) for protection cards and VM600 MPS rack (CPUR2) security with a removable key
Two output relays to signal system statuses and alarms
VM600 rack controller and communications interface card.
The VM600 CPUR2 and IOCR2 rack controller and communications interface card pair is a central processing unit (CPU) card pair that acts as a system controller and data communications gateway for a VM600 rack-based machinery protection system (MPS) and/or condition monitoring system (CMS) from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter® product line.
Note: Different versions of CPUx/IOCx rack controller and communications interface card pair are available, as follows:
The CPUM/IOCN is the original version with a front-panel display and support for Modbus RTU/TCP or PROFINET (PNR 200-595-VVV-VVV).
The CPUR/IOCR is a version with rack controller redundancy and support for Modbus RTU/TCP (PNR 600-007-VVV-VVV).
The CPUR2/IOCR2 is a version with mathematical processing of fieldbus data and support for Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS DP (PNR 600-026-000-VVV).