Tip 1, choose a battery with the same model and parameters as the old battery.
Tip two, after the purchase is completed, install, determine the working condition of the battery after installation, and disconnect the air switch before this.
Skill three, use a special device to measure battery voltage to measure the voltage in the battery circuit to confirm whether the voltage is normal
Skill 4, use the air switch of the Viada battery cabinet, confess that the Viada battery alarm is eliminated and the normal working situation is restored.
Tip 5, disconnec
t the battery stri
ng connection, disassemble the old battery, equipment the new battery, and restore the battery string connection section by section according to the series connection method.
Skill six, the end of the job, do a good quality inspection, and notify the skills to resume normal operation.
If you remember the above installation tips, the difficulty of the installation will become zero