PIB101C In the traditional product development model, software and hardware are intricately linked

With the application of software-defined product development model, the whole product development model will be transformed and upgraded, and the agile product development method integrating software and hardware will become the key. In the traditional product development model, software and hardware are intricately linked. In order to ensure the perfect integration between software and hardware,

PXIE-1065 Software driven agile product development model

Software driven agile product development model PXIE-1065 Because in the era of "software-defined products", product innovation depends more on software innovation, so the product development mode is bound to transition from the traditional hardware-first method to the software-first product development method, that is, the so-called "software-defined development mode". To put it simply, software-defined development mode

140CPU65150 According to Deloitte, the automotive E/E architecture will go through three evolution cycles: integration

In simple terms, the traditional automotive E/E architecture is often a distributed architecture with the ECU as the core, that is, the sensor, the ECU and the actuator correspond one by one to ensure the independence and anti-interference of each system. The big test brought by intelligent networking, autonomous driving and other technologies to vehicle

IC660BBS103 Product change in the software-defined era

Thus, the era of software definition has arrived. Product change in the software-defined era IC660BBS103 As Deloitte points out, in the era of "software definition", the change is not only the proportion of software in simple products, its essence is the product from a highly integrated electromechanical terminal, to an intelligent, scalable, sustainable iterative upgrade

350070M The era of software definition has arrived

Software, as part of a product, is combined with hardware to provide specific product functions. We call this "embedded software or system." The first widely recognized embedded software system was the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 for NASA's Apollo program to control all onboard equipment used during

X460-G2-48P-10GE4 Schroder Investment: AI will drive widespread application of industrial software

As more manufacturers turn to digital solutions to increase productivity and reduce waste, integrating AI into these platforms will be disruptive. By driving innovation, adding functionality, and opening new markets, AI-powered industrial software is expected to play a key role in shaping the future of manufacturing. Integrating AI into industrial software development can significantly enhance

G122-829-001 Accelerate transformation and upgrading

Accelerate transformation and upgrading Since the beginning of this year, the price fluctuation of copper, the main raw material for motors, has increased the instability of enterprise operation. G122-829-001 After years of development, China's motor industry through innovation, cooperation, introduction and other ways to continuously accelerate the level of production technology, has formed a certain

REM543 Multiple challenges pressure, how to break through the bottleneck of China’s motor exports?

Market demand decline, raw material prices fluctuate greatly, product intelligence level is not high, market competition pressure is too large...... Since the beginning of this year, China's motor exports have declined, and the development of motor export enterprises is facing many challenges. In this regard, Zhang Sen, Secretary general of the Electrical branch of the