VMIVME-7700-350-007700-111000-H In order to better help end users win the market, IDC offers the following recommendations

In order to better help end users win the market, IDC offers the following recommendations • Strengthen product development iteration: On the one hand, security audit products of technical service providers should adapt to the background of the integration of IT and OT, and help users solve monitoring and audit problems in different environments at

UFC911B108-3BHE037864R0108 Analysis of competition pattern and market share of China’s CNC machine tool industry in 2024

1, China's CNC machine tool industry competition echelon From the registered capital point of view, Shenyang machine tool, Genesis, Qinchuan machine tool, East China heavy machine capital is relatively strong, more than 1 billion yuan, in the first echelon; Rifa Precision Machinery, Yawei Shares, Haitian Seiko registered capital between 500 million and 1 billion yuan,

VMIVME-7807-VMIVME-7807-411001-350-0001007807-411001-B Comau’s stand during the “Second ATC New Energy Three Power Smart Manufacturing Technology Week 2024”

Solay, Comau's chief technology officer for Asia Pacific, said: "The Hairpin flat stator whole line solution released this time, with high efficiency, high flexibility and high precision performance advantages, through standardized, modular lean design to achieve convenient reconfigurable configuration, and ensure stable equipment functions, to help customers reduce cost and increase efficiency, improve product quality

XDD501A101-3BHE036342R0101 Comau unveils Technology Day with full value chain solutions for electric vehicles

• Comau has focused on the global automotive industry for more than 50 years, providing professional solutions covering the entire value chain of the new energy automotive industry, and is committed to promoting the development of the global new energy automotive industry and green manufacturing practices based on automation and digitalization • XDD501A101-3BHE036342R0101 27 years

9905-878 The achievements of “R&D and application of high-speed bus for Oil and gas pipe network monitoring based on AUTBUS” passed appraisal

On July 16, the "Research and Development and Application of high-speed Bus for Oil and Gas Pipeline Network Monitoring Based on AUTBUS" jointly completed by Western Pipeline Company of National Pipeline Network Group, Beijing Dongtu Technology Co., LTD., and China Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Beijing. The appraisal

8237-1367 Xintuo 3D with high-precision blue ray 3D scanning product solutions at the Automotive manufacturing and aviation equipment exhibition

Aviation manufacturing and automobile manufacturing are representatives of high-end equipment manufacturing industry, high technical content, is a multidisciplinary, multi-field of sophisticated technology, it needs a high degree of technical content and innovation ability to meet the market demand and consumer requirements for product quality, safety, environmental protection and functionality. For the needs of aviation and

UCD208A101-3BHE020018R0101 Preparation of rock splitting sample

Preparation of rock splitting sample DIC technique is used to study the full-field deformation and localized failure characteristics of rock in the process of Brazilian splitting failure High-speed cameras capture images of the rock fracturing process UCD208A101-3BHE020018R0101 DIC software analysis found that the maximum principal strain in X/Y direction and the crack change trend were