SPHSS03 Changes and challenges of frontline labor force

03 Changes and challenges of frontline labor force In manufacturing, the role of front-line labor is undergoing unprecedented change. The new generation of employees has significantly different expectations from the past, not only looking for professional achievement and personal recognition, but also as a key measure of job satisfaction. These changes reflect their drive for

SPASI23 To address these challenges, businesses need to take a number of steps

To address these challenges, businesses need to take a number of steps: Strengthen communication: Establish more effective two-way communication channels to ensure that employees' opinions and suggestions are heard and considered in a timely manner. SPASI23 Transparent decision-making: Allowing employees to be more involved in the decision-making process and understand the logic behind the decision

SM811K01 32SE018173R1 Exploring new ways of working: Manufacturing for the future

The global manufacturing industry faces technological innovation and labor challenges. SM811K01 32SE018173R1 In the past few years, the global manufacturing industry has faced unprecedented challenges. From inflation to supply chain disruptions, a variety of external factors have greatly affected the stability and growth of the manufacturing industry. However, manufacturing in 2024 will need to not

REF542PLUS-1VCR007346 New development of software engineering tools

New development of software engineering tools REF542PLUS-1VCR007346 With the support of national policies, domestic industrial software has ushered in new development opportunities. According to the Guidance Catalogue of Key Products and Services for Strategic Emerging Industries (2016 edition) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Classification of Strategic Emerging Industries (2018) issued

S20330-SRS The tool chain of highly trusted software development and verification refers to the technical theory of applied software engineering

The tool chain of highly trusted software development and verification refers to the technical theory of applied software engineering. Through systematic, standardized and quantitative procedural methods, it supports the development process of highly trusted software configured in key equipment such as intelligent vehicles and civil aviation, and carries out life-cycle management such as demand analysis,

S72402-NANANA-NA-225 Industrial software development and industrial upgrading

With the rapid development of the global manufacturing industry, industrial software, as the "brain" and "nerve" of the manufacturing industry, plays an increasingly important role in promoting the upgrading and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry, and all kinds of highly trusted software development and verification tool chain products inject strong new vitality into the

PXIE-8840 Promoting effective implementation of supportive policies

3. Promoting effective implementation of supportive policies We will implement policies to support the upgrading and upgrading of large-scale equipment in the industrial sector and the promotion and application of the first major technology and equipment. Overall planning of policies, funds and other resources, research on the "industrial mother-machine +" million lines of enterprise production

REF610C11LCLR Build a “1+3+N” activity system

Build a "1+3+N" activity system Coordinate the forces of all parties, organize one home event every year, organize and carry out precise production and demand docking activities for key regions, industries and enterprises, support and encourage local, industry organizations and enterprises to hold N special production and demand docking activities, and build a "1+3+N" activity

SPBRC410 Establish and improve the production and demand docking channels

In order to thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council, promote the promotion and application of innovative industrial machinery products, and promote the integration and development of industrial machinery industry chain enterprises, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology decided to carry out the "Industrial machinery +"