RAC2.2-250-460-A0-W1 E-lom won the NI 2024 Distributor Sales Value Award

Avnet's global distributor of electronic components products and solutions, E-Lom, won the NI 2024 Distributor Sales Value Award. E-mart is a responsive and trusted distributor of products and technologies for the design, maintenance and repair of electronic and industrial systems. RAC2.2-250-460-A0-W1 The award, which recognizes the value that distribution partners bring to their end customers,

3BHB015651P0001 DKTFM418B Product technology innovation to accelerate the quality and efficiency of the manufacturing industry

1) Product technology innovation to accelerate the quality and efficiency of the manufacturing industry 3BHB015651P0001 DKTFM418B In response to the difficulties and needs of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and deploying digital platforms with insufficient capabilities and resources, the new architecture of "1+2+N" smart factory proposed by Zhongcong Technology provides feasible solutions and a

SRB-MS-ILK5  China Control Technology Yu Haibin attended the 2024 CIC Industry Conference

On July 31, 2024 China (International) Measurement Control and Instrumentation Industry Conference (CIC) opened in Chengdu. With the theme of "Vigorously Promoting the innovation and development of the instrumentation industry and enabling new industrialization", the conference invited academicians, experts and industry SRB-MS-ILK5  representatives to focus on topics such as digitalization, intelligence and green manufacturing. Jointly