VG5SK8I052311 PLC domestic replacement acceleration, DCS originated in the central control technology is worth looking forward to?

As the industrial manufacturing field has fully entered the stage of digitalization and intelligent upgrading, the global manufacturing market has a rapid increase in the application demand for cutting-edge technological achievements. Especially in recent years, PLC (programmable logic controller), known as the "brain" of the industry, has become more and more important in industrial production,

VMIVME-4116 Hollysys successfully signed the Baowan annual output of 120,000 tons of carbon fiber raw fiber project

Recently, Hollytimes successfully signed a joint investment by Baowu Group and Wanhua Group, Shaoxing Keqiao annual output of 120,000 tons of PAN-based carbon fiber raw fiber project. On March 28, 2023, Zhejiang Baowan Shaoxing Keqiao raw silk Project officially started construction, the total investment of the project is 6.55 billion yuan, the total land area

VMIVME-7700-111000 Technology to drive the scene breakthrough, see CRX collaborative robots show their skills

In the face of the overall improvement of the level of manufacturing, various industries have put forward higher requirements for collaborative robots, including higher load capacity, wider range of work and higher accuracy. With the rapid development of collaborative robots and cutting-edge technologies and the gradual expansion of application scenarios, the technical direction of collaborative

VMIVME-7750-734001 The OPC UA SDK supports OPC UA Pub/Sub via MQTT for targeted, resource-saving data transfer

Softing Industrial has extended the capabilities of its OPC UA C++ SDK(software development Kit) with the new 6.30 release. In addition to the previously available UDAP protocol (Universal Data Enhancement Processor), it is now possible to use OPC UA Pub/Sub(publisher/subscriber) for data transfer via MQTT(Message queue Telemetry transfer). The new implementation supports the widely used

VT-HNC100-1-23W-08-P-0Intel and Lenovo to build 5G future factory, build a new paradigm of intelligent manufacturing

In order to continue to promote the development of intelligent manufacturing, Intel helped Lenovo build the Lenovo (Tianjin) Intelligent innovation Service Industrial Park. In the process of building this 5G smart factory, the two sides made full use of green energy technology and green construction technology to optimize construction and operation plans in intelligent manufacturing,

TK-PRR021 51309288-275 The two-way rush of century-old brand and real estate upstart: Schneider Electric helps Chengdu Jiabaidao forge new productionism

At present, building a new model of industry development has become the fundamental solution to solve the problem of real estate development. The traditional real estate development model is undoubtedly difficult to adapt to the new market environment, how to integrate high quality, new technology and good service into the project development? How to go

TK-PRS021 51404305-275 AVEVA: Taking the sword of industrial software and casting the soul of industrial digitalization

The trend of The Times is rolling forward, and digitalization is changing human society in an irreversible trend. In the industrial sector, digitalization has become a key driver for the transformation and upgrading of today's enterprises. Industrial software, as a programmed package of industrial technology and knowledge, is known as the soul of industrial digital

TSXPBY100 Huichuan Technology: Strengthen the expansion of discrete market and project market, is laying out large PLC

Relevant data show that Huichuan Technology was established in 2003, specializing in industrial automation and new energy related products research and development, production and sales, in addition to master the vector frequency conversion, servo system, programmable logic controller, encoder, permanent magnet synchronous motor and other products of the core technology, We have also mastered the

UR8FH AVEVA Jianwei Software and Qiangsi Digital Science launched school-enterprise cooperation with Nanjing University of Technology

On November 22, the signing ceremony between School of Chemical Engineering of Nanjing University of Technology and Jianwei Software Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Jingyi South Building, Jiangpu Campus of Nanjing University of Technology. Ju Yongqian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Chemical Engineering, Pan Yichang, Vice President of