PR6423/003-030+CON021 Eddy Current Signal Converter

Non-contact sensor designed for critical turbomachinery applications such as steam, gas and hydro turbines, compressors, gearboxes, pumps and fans to measure radial and axial shaft dynamic displacement; position, eccentricity and speed.

In terms of its specific functions, such as signal input, it may have two independent electric speed sensor signal inputs, matching the PR926X series of electric sensors produced by the German company epro. Each sensor signal can be measured at the SMB interface on the front panel of the module. In addition, the module also has a key signal input (must be greater than 13V), which is necessary for speed control mode and spectrum analysis.



PR6423/003-030+CON021 Eddy Current Signal Converter

Product description

Non-contact sensor designed for critical turbomachinery applications such as steam, gas and hydro turbines, compressors, gearboxes, pumps and fans to measure radial and axial shaft dynamic displacement; position, eccentricity and speed.

In terms of its specific functions, such as signal input, it may have two independent electric speed sensor signal inputs, matching the PR926X series of electric sensors produced by the German company epro. Each sensor signal can be measured at the SMB interface on the front panel of the module. In addition, the module also has a key signal input (must be greater than 13V), which is necessary for speed control mode and spectrum analysis.

In terms of signal output, the converter may have two current outputs representing characteristic values.

In addition, the PR6423/003-030+CON021 eddy current signal converter may also be related to the SIS vibration sensor of the turbine monitoring system, with automatic operating modes such as self-feed self-recovery mode, self-feed non-self-recovery mode and grid-generator mode.


Product parameter

The principle of the PR6423/003-030+CON021 eddy current signal converter is mainly based on the eddy current effect. This sensor consists of a flat coil fixed to the frame and has a high excitation source frequency (usually in the range of tens of kilohertz to several megahertz). When the sensor probe is close to the body under test (usually a metal conductor), an induced current is generated on the surface of the body under test, which is caused by a high-frequency electromagnetic field in the sensor probe. These induced currents in turn generate a reverse electromagnetic field, which interacts with the original electromagnetic field of the sensor probe.

The signal converter determines the distance to the measured body based on the strength of this reverse electromagnetic field, because the strength of the reverse electromagnetic field changes with the distance between the measured body and the sensor probe. Therefore, by measuring the intensity of this inverse electromagnetic field, the sensor can realize real-time monitoring of physical quantities such as displacement, speed or vibration of the measured object.

In the PR6423/003-030+CON021, the CON021 signal converter operates on the eddy current effect and is specifically designed for use with sensors such as the PR6423, with good compatibility and a wide measurement range. This enables the sensor to be widely used in various industrial automation and monitoring systems to achieve non-contact measurement of various metal conductors.

Application field

The PR6423/003-030+CON021 Vibration sensor monitor has a wide range of applications. It is mainly used for vibration monitoring of industrial equipment, machinery or structures, which can monitor the vibration of equipment or structures in real time and capture small vibration changes through sensors.

Specifically, the PR6423/003-030+CON021 eddy current sensor is widely used in various industrial fields and laboratories. Because of its small size, high reliability, non-contact measurement and other advantages, it is particularly suitable for various turbomachinery, such as measuring shaft vibration and shaft displacement and other physical quantities. In addition, the sensor can be used for non-contact measurement of static and dynamic displacement.

In addition to industrial applications, the PR6423/003-030+CON021 vibration sensor monitor can also be used in other fields, such as environmental protection, resource survey, medical diagnosis, bioengineering, etc. In these areas, the sensor can play an important monitoring and measurement role, helping people to better understand and grasp various phenomena and processes.

Overall, the PR6423/003-030+CON021 Vibration sensor monitor is a powerful, high-performance, easy to use and maintain industrial automation product for a variety of different industrial control applications and other fields.

Please contact Sunny for the best price.

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