The Moog Digital Control Servo Valves (DCV) are closed.loop hydraulic products that are used in industrialmachinery to precisely control fluid flow, pressureposition or force using advanced digital fieldbuses forcommunication (e.g.EtherCAT,PROFIBUS-DP, CANopen)or analoginterfaces.The D638 and D639 series areequipped with an inteprated pressure sensor in theA-channel as well as a dipital pressure controller and arethus a compact pressure control unit.
For maximum flexibility,customers can choose to havean analog interface, fieldbus interface (e.g.. EtherCAT.PROFIBUS DP, CANopen) or both combined in the samevalve.Whether you need pressure (p) or flow and pressurelimiting(p0) control, this valve series has world-class,proven technology that makes it the performance leaderin providing advanced functionality such as higherdynamics,easy parameter tuning and adaptation of flowcharacteristics.




Product description

The Moog Digital Control Servo Valves (DCV) are closed.loop hydraulic products that are used in industrialmachinery to precisely control fluid flow, pressureposition or force using advanced digital fieldbuses forcommunication (e.g.EtherCAT,PROFIBUS-DP, CANopen)or analoginterfaces.The D638 and D639 series areequipped with an inteprated pressure sensor in theA-channel as well as a dipital pressure controller and arethus a compact pressure control unit.
For maximum flexibility,customers can choose to havean analog interface, fieldbus interface (e.g.. EtherCAT.PROFIBUS DP, CANopen) or both combined in the samevalve.Whether you need pressure (p) or flow and pressurelimiting(p0) control, this valve series has world-class,proven technology that makes it the performance leaderin providing advanced functionality such as higherdynamics,easy parameter tuning and adaptation of flowcharacteristics.
With a robust design that offers proven reliability in someof the world’s most demanding environments such as oilrigs,offshore wind turbines and steel mills, these valvescan be tailored to your exact performance requirements.With proven hydraulic motion control and applicationexpertise, Moog can help you select the version that bestmeets your needs.
This series also has a version certified for use inpotentially hazardous environments(e.g. Explosion-Proof)with hot-swappable connectors and proven ability towithstand vibration and heavy use.Equipment protectionwith flameproof enclosures “d” and increased safety”e”with marking:ll 26 Ex de llCT5/T4/T3 Gb. For explosionproof valves technical data (outer dimensions and wiringplease contact Mo0g.


Product parameter

Fieldbus data transfer:Electrically isolated fieldbusinterface
Diagnostic capabilities: Integrated monitoring ofimportant ambient and internal data. Valve parameterscan be changed on site orremotely
Flexibility: Since parameters may be downloadedusing the fieldbus or a high level PLc program, valveparameters may be tuned during a machine cycle whilethe machine is operating
Pressure control configuration: Up to l6configurations may be saved and can be activatedduring operation
Volume flow and pressure control using a single servovalve
Direct drive with permanent magnet linear forcemotor that provides high actuating force, works in 2directions
Pilot oil not required
Pressure-independent dynamic responseLow hysteresis and high response characteristicsLow power demand at and in the proximity of hydrauliczero.Hydraulic zero is the spool position at whichthe pressure of a symmetrical spool are equal in bothblocked control ports
If the electrical supply fails, a cable breaks oremergency stop is activated, the spool returns to thepredefined spring-centered position without passinga fully open control port position (fail-safe)increasingsafety

Application field

Direct Drive Digital Control Valves
The D638 and D639 Series Valves, sizes 03 and 05 areDirect Drive Servo Valves.The valves are control valvesfor 2-,2×2-.3- and 4-way applications and are suitable folelectrohydraulic controlof pressure and flow even underhigh dynamic requirements.
Design and Application
A permanent magnet linear force motor is used to drivethe spool. in contrast to proportional solenoid drives,the linear force motor drives the spool in both workingdirections from the spring”centered middle position.Thestrongactuating force of the spool,provides Moog ServoValves with excellent static and dynamic characteristics.
p and pQ Functionality
The valves provide full pressure (p) and flow with pressurelimiting (pO) functionality.By using the pO option of theD638 and D639 series.the control of flow and pressureis possible with just one valve instead of using 2 valves asin the past.The selection of p or pO control mode can bemade via the fieldbus interface.
Fieldbus Interface
A built-in fieldbus interface (e.8.CANopen,PROFIBUS-DPor EtherCAT)enables operating parameters to be set.activates the yalve and monitors its performance.Toreduce wiring, the fieldbus interface is provided with 2connectors.DCVs maybe integrated into the bus withoutany externalT-joints.In addition, up to 2 analog inputcommands and up to 2 analog actual value outputs areavailable,The valves are also available without a fieldbusinterface.In this case,the valve is controlled using analoginputs.Valve parameters are set using the integrated M8service connector X10.

Please contact Sunny for the best price.

➱ sales manager: Sunny
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