1326AB-B720E-21 Servo motor

In the mechanical specification of a servo motor, 1326AB-B720E-21 represents a frame diameter of 194 mm, a magnet length of 20 mm, and a motor weight of 102 LBS.
In other areas, 1326AB-B720E-21 May have other meanings, for example, if you have provided some features of 1326AB-B720E-21, you can check the relevant materials for more information.



In the mechanical specification of a servo motor, 1326AB-B720E-21 represents a frame diameter of 194 mm

, a magnet length of 20 mm, and a motor weight of 102 LBS.
In other areas, 1326AB-B720E-21 May have other meanings, for example, if you have provided some features

of 1326AB-B720E-21, you can check the relevant materials for more information.


The rotor inside the servo motor is a permanent magnet, and the U/V/W three-phase electricity controlled

by the driver forms an electromagnetic field, and the rotor rotates under the action of this magnetic field,

while the encoder of the motor comes with a feedback signal to the driver, and the driver adjusts the rotation

Angle of the rotor according to the feedback value and the target value.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

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