The AL8xGTe is shipped in an anti- static bag. The board has sensitive electronic components that can be
damaged due to static electricity discharge. Prior to touching the board, ground yourself by touching the :
back panel of the computer that is plugged into an electrical outlet. W hen handling the board, please always
touch the board at the PCI bracket; never directly touch the board surface.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Boards should be installed with adequate ventilation to prevent
overheating. OKOS requires the installation of the AD board fan shipped with your order. This
fan should be replaced yearly to prevent thermal damage to the board. The board should be kept
free of dust and debris. Canned air can be used to regularly clean the board’s surface.
After installing the ALNET drivers, peel the yellow ‘Static W aming’ sticker off the antistatic bag and
remove the board from its bag by holding the metal bracket at the end of the board. Install the board
carefully into a free PCI Express slot in the computer and properly secure the board (usually by screwing
down the bracket; securing it with a clip may not be sufficicent). Do not install the board in the computer
before the AL.NET drivers have been installed. The board will work in xl, x4 or x8 PCI Express slots.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure the board is firmly inserted and that the bracket is screwed
down before operation. Otherwise, the board may not be seated well and will be damaged or not
function properly when the system is turned on.
When the system is powered on with the AL8xGTe installed, LED D2002 (located at the bottom front of
the board next to the PLX chip) should be green. This indicates that the AL8xGTc is active and properly
communicating with the PCI Express bus.
Please contact Sunny for the best price.
➱ sales manager: Sunny
➱ email mailto:
➱ Skype/WeChat: 18059884797
➱ phone/Whatsapp: + 86 18059884797
➱ QQ: 3095989363