Product details:
The MVI56E-MNET is backward compatible with earlier versions of the MVI56E-MNET. This backward compatibility simplifies migration without changing or modifying existing relay ladder logic or the current configuration of existing legacy modules. It supports CIP connectivity, allowing remote configuration and diagnostic access across multiple connected Ethernet I/P and ControlNet networks through the 1756-ENBT, 1756-EN2T Ethernet Communication Adapter, and 1756-CNB ControlNet Bridge Module. In addition, the module supports ProSoft Discovery Service (PDS) for automatically locating the MVI56E module on Ethernet and assigning a temporary IP address.
The unit is shock resistant to 30 g when operating and 50 g when not operating. It also has a vibration of 5 g at 10 to 150 Hz. The MVI56E-MNET has a relative humidity of 5% to 95%, noncondensing. The MVI56E-MNET is equipped with a Lithium Vanadium Pentoxide battery to provide backup power for the real-time clock and can also be used to provide backup power for the CMOS battery. The battery is expected to last the life of the module and the module should be plugged in for at least 24 hours before the battery is fully charged. With a fully charged battery, the battery will provide enough backup power for the CMOS and real time clock for 21 days. The MVI56E-MNET supports a scrolling LED diagnostic display with a 4 character alphanumeric display. The display provides standard English for status messages and is also used to show alarm data and processor and network communication status. The MVI56E-MNET also features a personality module, an industrial compact flash card that stores complete configuration and Ethernet settings.
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