VZ3000 UAZ3455/3475 VAC Common Type Drive

Two types of VZ3000 are provided, unitized type unit in which converter portion and inverter portion are arranged as a unit, and separate type unit which has separate converter unit and inverter unit, and each has 200-230 VAC dedicated type and 200-230 VAC/380-460 VAC common type. Since converter portion of unitized type unit is contained in inverter portion, model numbers for unitized type units are provided only for inverter portions, which are UVZC3001 to UVZC3007 and UVZC3201 to UVZC3207.
The inverter model numbers of separate type are UVZ3022 to UVZ3037 and UVZ3222 to UVZ3275. The converter model numbers are UAZ3022(-A) to UAZ3037(-A) and UAZ3222(-A) to UAZ3275.



VZ3000 UAZ3455/3475 VAC Common Type Drive

Product Description

Two types of VZ3000 are provided, unitized type unit in which converter portion and inverter portion are arranged as a unit, and separate type unit which has separate converter unit and inverter unit, and each has 200-230 VAC dedicated type and 200-230 VAC/380-460 VAC common type. Since converter portion of unitized type unit is contained in inverter portion, model numbers for unitized type units are provided only for inverter portions, which are UVZC3001 to UVZC3007 and UVZC3201 to UVZC3207.
The inverter model numbers of separate type are UVZ3022 to UVZ3037 and UVZ3222 to UVZ3275. The converter model numbers are UAZ3022(-A) to UAZ3037(-A) and UAZ3222(-A) to UAZ3275.
The following 12 units have been UL/C-UL listed, provided that UL-listed fuses as shown in Table 9.10 should be installed in the AC input power line.
Converter/Inverter Unitized Type Unit: UVZC3001, UVZC3003, and UVZC3007 Converter Unit: UAZ3022, UAZ3022-A, UAZ3030, UAZ3030-A, UAZ3037 and UAZ3037-A
Inverter Unit: UVZ3022, UVZ3030, and UVZ3037 In the following sections, technical specifications of the VZ3000 controllers are described.

VZ3000 UAZ3455/3475

Product parameter

After receipt inspection, repack the drive in its original shipping container until ready for installation. To ensure satisfactory drive operation at start-up and to maintain warranty coverage, store the drivet as follows if storage will be less than five months:
• Indoors
• In its original container with its internal packing in a clean, dry, safe place.
• Within an ambient temperature that does not exceed 65 degree C (149 degree F) or go below -40 degree C (-40 degree F).
• Within a relative humidity range of 5 to 95% without condensation.
• Away from a corrosive atmosphere. In harsh or dusty environment, cover the shipping/storage container.
• Away from construction areas.
If storage will be longer than five months, contact Reliance for long-term storage instructions.

Application field

The VZ3000 drive provides vector regulation by means of sinusoidal pulse-widthmodulated (PWM) waveform using intelligent power module (IPM) or insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). The VZ3000 is a flexible, multifunction drive for a wide range of applications.
The VZ3000 drive consists of inverter unit, converter unit and motor as hardware portion, and VZ3000/VZ3000G terminal software VZterm for Windows to be executed on a host computer, and/or an VZ3000/VZ3000G operator’s terminal OPCU-2 as software portion.
This instruction manual covers 200-230 VAC dedicated type and 200-230 VAC/380-460 VAC common type hardware. Separate instruction manuals are provided for the VZ3000/VZ3000G terminal software VZterm for Windows, Original Version (IM 32027), the VZ3000/VZ3000G terminal software VZterm for Windows, Tuning Version (IM 32028), the VZ3000/VZ3000G operator’s terminal OPCU-2 (IM 32021), and 380-460 VAC dedicated type (larger models) hardware (IM 32022).
Refer to these instruction manuals when necessary.
The following units are UL/IEC/C-UL listed:
UVZC3001, UVZC3003, UVZC3007, UVZ3022, UVZ3030, UVZ3037 UAZ3022, UAZ3030, UAZ3037, UAZ3022-A, UAZ3030-A and UAZ3037-A

Each VZ3000 drive can positively be identified by its model numbers provided for its drive and motor. These numbers appear on the shipping label and are stamped on the respective nameplates. The nameplates are located on the lower right side of the drive and on the frame of the motor. Refer to these numbers whenever discussing the drive with Reliance Electric personnel.
The drive’s model number is described as “UVZC3007N-SF-HA001BB,” for example. Its first half, “UVZC3007N,” shows a model number for hardware, and the second half, “SF-HA001BB,” for software as shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2.

Please contact Sunny sales@xiongbagk.cn for the best price.

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